Our Projects

Application Notes

Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Cannabis Regulated by Oregon State Using LC/MS/MS.

Fast, Accurate, and Precise Terpene Testing of Cannabis Samples

A Novel ESI and APCI LC/MS/MS Analytical Method for Meeting the Canadian Cannabis Pesticide Residue Regulatory Requirements

talks and interviews

Headspace/Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Terpenes in Cannabis

New Food Magazine Webinar: 

Cannabis & CBD Edibles: Understanding current testing methods and resources available to support new users

Pe101 What’s Next for Cannabis Science?

Check out Wayne Schwind’s awesome podcast: Periodic Effects

Webinar: Cannabis and Hemp Sample Preparation for Analytical Analyses

The Analysis of an Extended Terpene List in a Commercial Cannabis Laboratory

A Brief Overview on the Science of Cannabis and Hemp Edibles

Article and Podcast available through Cannabis Science and Technology


Cannabis Laboratory Fundamentals 

Contribution by Adam Floyd

Advances in Pesticide Residue Analysis

By Alexander Beadle for Analytical Cannabis

The Use of Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction in the Detection of Pesticides in Cannabis Flower by GC-MS/MS

Adam Floyd